Diskuzní sešity, prezentace ze seminářů a další

Nadia Johanisova: Living in the Cracks

RTEmagicC_cracks_cover_small_01.jpgFEASTA, Dublin, 2005. ISBN 1 903998 52 2.

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A Look at Rural Social Enterprises in Brtain and the Czech Republic

Living—and often thriving—in the cracks between the business world and the state system is an amazing variety of organisations which, according to some economists, theoretically shouldn’t exist. That’s because their goal is not to make profits but to meet social needs which both the market and government either can’t meet nearly as well or have totally ignored.

There’s not even a good collective name for these organisations, although Third Sector is often used and causes most people’s eyes to glaze over. Yet, as this book shows, all human life is there. Based on dozens of interviews with people who have set up and run these organisations, it shows how their struggle to carry their ideals forward has led to lives with more joy, fulfilment and satisfaction than is normally found in commercial life or the civil service.

But the book has a far greater importance than that. By comparing and contrasting the organisations she visited in Britain with those in the Czech Republic, Nadia Johanisova is able to establish just what is so valuable about them and how they can be helped to multiply and flourish.

In a world increasingly dominated by giant companies for whom communities mean nothing, and in which the state sector is constrained by limited budgets and tight rules, organisations such as those described here are going to be needed everywhere if we are not to have major gaps in our lives and

in the services available to us. Written in an entertaining personal style, this book will not only inspire and guide many of those who will decide to meet those needs but will also enable them to get in touch with some of the pioneers mentioned in its pages.

Ivan Lesay: Bude česká důchodová reforma fundamentální?

Lesay 2007 - přebalBrno, 2007. ISBN 978-80-239-9159-8.

Tištěnou verzi diskusního sešitu je možné objednat zde.

Elektronickou verzi je možné stáhnout zdarma zde [download id=“695″].

English version available. Click here [Lesay_pension_reform.pdf] to download.


Ropný zlom: Prezentace Jindřicha Kalouse

Vedoucí programu Ropný zlom Jindřich Kalous vystoupil 14. března 2007 na semináři o ropném zlomu, který organizoval OIKOS při VŠE Praha. Prezentace Jindřicha Kalouse, vedoucího programu Ropný zlom, je ke stažení zde [peak_oil_Kalous.ptt„]

Ropný zlom: prezentace Richarda Douthwaite

Prezentace Richarda Douthwaite o ropném zlomu na semináři Trastu …

Prezentace Richarda Douthwaite na semináři Trastu “ Open Space o lokálních ekonomikách a udržitelném rozvoji“, který proběhl ve dnech 31.1.-4.2. 2007 v Růžďce na Valašsku.

ke stažení zde  [douthwait_open_space_2007.ptt]

Richard Douthwaite (zemřel v listopadu 2011) byl irský spisovatel a novinář, lektor a ekonom. Napsal řadu knih o ekonomických alternativách a podpoře místních ekonomik, z nichž nejznámější jsou „The Growth Illusion“ a „Short Circuit: Strengthening Local Economies in an Unstable World“. Spoluzakladatel Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (Nadace pro ekonomii udržitelnosti, FEASTA).

Petr Gočev: Co opravňuje vertikální přerozdělování? Imanentní kritika neoklasickéhého a neoliberálního přístupu.

Gočev 2006 - přebalBrno, 2006. ISBN 80-239-7184-0.

Tištěnou verzi diskusního sešitu je možné objednat zde.

Elektronickou verzi je možné stáhnout zdarma zde [gocev_2006.pdf].

Aktualizovaná verze textu (březen 2007) je ke stažení zde [gocev_2006_update_2007.pdf]
