(str&aacute;nka projektu: <a href=“https://www.thinktank.cz/fdi“>www.thinktank.cz/fdi</a>)
Trast pro ekonomiku a společnost ve spolupr&aacute;ci s Czech Investem, Business School Univerzity v Hertfordshire, a Vi&scaron;egr&aacute;dsk&yacute;m fondem si V&aacute;s dovoluje pozvat na jednodenn&iacute; workshop, kter&yacute; bude prezentovat zji&scaron;těn&iacute; tř&iacute;let&eacute;ho v&yacute;zkumn&eacute;ho projektu zaměřen&eacute;ho na outsourcing v oblasti služeb v Česk&eacute; republice, Maďarsku, Polsku a Slovensku – Př&iacute;m&eacute; zahraničn&iacute; investice ve středn&iacute; a v&yacute;chodn&iacute; Evropě: Jakou konkurenceschopnost pro Visegr&aacute;dskou čtyřku? &nbsp;

<b>Worshop: Jakou konkurenceschopnost pro Visegr&aacute;dskou čtyřku?</b>
(zaměřen&yacute; na outsourcing v oblasti služeb)

<b>Kdy</b>: 22. &uacute;nora 2010, od 9:00 do 13:00

<b>Kde</b>: Praha

Pros&iacute;m, potvrďte svou &uacute;čast na jedn&eacute; z n&aacute;sleduj&iacute;c&iacute;ch kontaktn&iacute;ch adres:

Lucie Vesel&aacute;
Tel.: 00420 296 342 628
E-mail: lucie.vesela@czechinvest.org

<b>Program</b> (workshop proběhne v angličtině):

08:30&ndash;09:00 <b>Registration</b>
09:00&ndash;09:15 <b>Welcome</b>
— Stanislav Martinek, Director of Investment Division,
09:15&ndash;09:30 <b>Aims and scope of research</b>
— Professor Jane Hardy, Project Co-Leader
09:30&ndash;09:45 <b>Data and measurement problems</b>
— Dr Magdolna Sass, Project Member (Hungary)
09:45&ndash;10:15 <b>Findings of Research</b>
Broad trends in Central and Eastern Europe
Locational Advantages and Disadvantages
— Dr Martina Fifekova, Project Member (Slovakia)
10:15&ndash;10:30 <b>A business perspective n&deg; 1</b>
— Mr Peter Segal, CEO Ogilvie Associates
10:30&ndash;10:45 <b>A business perspective n&deg; 2</b>
10:45&ndash;11:00 <b>Coffee break</b>
11:00&ndash;12:00 <b>Investment Agencies&rsquo; perspectives</b>
— Representatives of the Investment Agencies:
CzechInvest, ITDH, PAIiZ, SARIO
12:00&ndash;12:15 <b>Coffee break</b>
12:15&ndash;12:30 <b>Conclusions and recommendations</b>
— Dr Jan Drahokoupil, Project Co-Leader / Professor
Hardy, Project Co-Leader
12:30&ndash;13:00 <b>Questions and discussion</b>
— moderated by CzechInvest